Series 2K
Quick Books Gold Developer

Web Based Back Office Software

C-Stores/Gas Stations . Wholesale Fuel Supplies

Series 2K
"Praises to Series 2000 (S2K) for being simply the best Gasoline! C-Store BackOffice System available at a very reasonable price." -
Series 2K

Custom Programming


Software affects nearly every aspect of our lives and has become pervasive in our commerce and culture. At Sigma Oil, we realize this and build software by applying a process that leads to a high quality product meeting the needs and expectations of our clients.

The software process for both management and engineering activities is documented, standardized and integrated into software process for the organization.

Design and architectural patterns are identified and exploited to make it easier to reuse successful designs and architectures. Design patterns help us choose design alternatives that make a system reusable and avoid alternatives that compromise reusability. This in turn help us to develop highly efficient software in less amount of time.

We actively promote Objected Oriented Analysis and Design and supports OMG, CORBA and UML specifications.

We excel in Refactoring (Improving the design and quality) of existing software.

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